Exchange students

Julie Pontvianne
Table of contents

As part of academic exchanges, students from partner universities can spend a semester or a year of their studies at ITECH Lyon in the Master of Engineering in Applied Chemistry. During this semester or year of exchange, international exchange students will remain enrolled at their home university and will not pay any tuition fees to ITECH Lyon. They will follow the courses approved by their home university at ITECH Lyon and will obtain ECTS credits which will then be recognized and validated by their home university.

Academic information

Partner institutions can apply for:

  • Master of Engineering in Applied Chemistry (in French diplôme d’ingénieur) is a 3-year master’s-level program available in English or French. Students first follow general chemistry courses (S5, S6 and S7) and then specialty courses (S8 and S9) from one of the four specializations: formulation chemistry, plastic materials, textile materials, and leather manufacturing.

*Exchange students may only apply for these semesters. Exact beginning and ending semester dates vary depending on the year.

Course catalogue

Nomination and application

The application deadline is April 15th (fall semester) or October 1st (spring semester).


The partner university should nominate students by contacting Ms. Pontvianne, Head of International Relations, and specifying the following information:

  • If the nominated student will follow the engineering courses in English or French
  • The exchange semesters that the nominated student wants to follow at ITECH Lyon (1 or 2 semesters):
    • Semester 5 (Fall from September to January)
    • Semester 6 (Spring from January to June)
    • Semester 8 (Spring from February to June)
    • Semester 9 (Fall from September to January)
  • If the nominated student wants to study specialty courses of semesters 8 and/or 9, please choose one of our four specializations:
    • Formulation Chemistry (Ecully campus)
    • Plastic Materials (Ecully campus)
    • Textile Materials (Roanne campus)
    • Leather (Ecully campus)

For each nominated student, we will need:

  • Student’s email
  • CV in English (for the English-taught program) or in French (for the French-taught program)
  • Transcript of records (in English or French)
  • Copy of the student’s passport
  • Language proficiency test
    • Proof of B2 English-level knowledge for the English-taught program: all official tests accepted, but if you do not have one, a letter from one of your English teachers justifying the B2 level is accepted (it will be followed by an English interview)
    • Proof of B2 French-level knowledge for the French-taught program: all official tests accepted, but if you do not have one, a letter from one of your English teachers justifying the B2 level is accepted (it will be followed by a French interview)


Academic requirements

For an exchange in the S5 and S6 programs, 2 years of undergraduate studies in chemistry are required.

For an exchange in S8 and S9* programs, 4 years of undergraduate studies in chemistry are required.

*For an exchange in the S9 program, specific prerequisites are required depending the specialty chosen. Contact us to know them.

Language requirements

B2 level in English for the English-taught program or a B2 level in French for the French-taught program.

Services for international students

The International Relations Office at ITECH Lyon has set up a wide range of services and activities for international students:

  • Orientation days
    • Last week of August
    • Event organized by the IPL and regrouping international students of 4 engineering schools.
  • Accommodation service
    • ITECH Lyon has the possibility of booking a room in a university residence (Crous) for international students (only for academic exchanges starting in fall and subject to availability).
A question about your mobility project?

If you are planning to go abroad (internship, academic exchange or gap year) or if you are an international student wishing to come to study at ITECH Lyon, do not hesitate to contact the International Relations Office.