Hire an apprentice

Sophie Barnet sophie.barnet@itech.fr
Table of contents

Engineering apprentice

Alternating between classes at the school and work in a company allows the apprentice to acquire an industrial experience over 3 years (1/3 in school and 2/3 in a company).

The apprentice receives scientific and technical training that applies to the 4 majors of the school and completes his specialization through work experience in a company.

Students are employees once they have signed their contracts and are exempt from tuition fees. This training is managed from an administrative and a financial aspect by the Centres for Apprenticeship Training (CFA) of each professional branch concerned.

The apprentice engineer is followed by an academic tutor from ITECH who supports him or her in acquiring knowledge, and an industrial tutor in the company who supports him or her in discovering his future job.

An apprenticeship contract can be signed between the ages of 18 and 25.

Advanced Master’s apprentice

Possible training under:

  • Apprenticeship contract alternating 3 days in a company with 2 days of courses at ITECH, with financing of tuition (OPCA financing) and remuneration of participants by the company.
  • Professionnalisation period:  for employees in a company, this mastere can be part of continuous assessment training (FONGECIF, DIF, Training Plan).

500 hours of training

Formulator and Color Technician apprentice

Apprenticeship contract from 10 to 12 months.

Committed to quality

On December 2020, ITECH Entreprises obtained Qualiopi certification issued by ISQ for a period of 4 years.